We All Need a Safe Space.

Sanctuary, on a personal level, is where we perform the job of taking care of our soul.”
— Christopher Forrest McDowell

We all need a place to call our own. A place we can escape to for peace and quiet, safety and repose. A place we can be completely free to create, dream, heal, sing, paint, read or just be. This can be your home, a quiet room or just a corner of a room.This space can be a literal space physically or a place in your inner world created through imagination or visualization.

In your first session with me before we begin, we create a “Safe Space” or sanctuary in your mind through visualization. This is the first step of The Completion Process. Most are surprised how easily they can drop into this imaginary space through a guided meditation and how fun it is. The Safe Space becomes a place where miracles and magic happens and can be utilized later as an important meditation tool in the future.

The imagination is a creative and a powerful tool.You are the builder of this special place and decide how you want it to be. You can create a beautiful landscape on this earth or in another galaxy. It can have cascading waterfalls, animals, beautiful fields of flowers or a healing ocean. This place has certain elements such as healing water and a safe transcendent helper being that is always present to support you.

If you have ever experienced powerlessness in your life, it is deeply healing to be able to create a sanctuary or safe place where anything is possible, where there are no limits and it brings you a deep sense of peace and safety!

Once created this becomes a destination tool in meditation practice to receive answers for yourself or just be free in a place of safety and relaxation.
